Journeying On Course

Applications now closed. Journeying On 2024-25 is a one-year course which follows on from and seeks to deepen the experience of GPRL.
It invites us to journey on in our relationship with God, to grow in our experience of prayer and of reflecting on our lives and the ways God is at work in and with them. It is open to any, from all denominations or none, who have completed GPRL.
The course follows a similar format to GPRL and consists of 10 sessions, one per month, from September to June.
This year the course will be offered online. This year we are delighted to introduce a new opportunity to gather as a community for 2 ‘in person’ reflection days in the ISC on a Saturday, the first in September, the second in May. Whilst the hope is that all participants who are able will attend these days in person, we will also offer a blended online option for those who can't physically join with us.
Journeying On begins with an Introductory Evening on Thursday September 5th, with the first online session proper on Thursday September 12th 2024.
The closing date for applications is August 20th 2024.
The Course:
The aim is to provide participants with further resources for prayer and skills in reflective living which will help them to:
- Grow in their relationship with God
- Deepen their experience of prayer and reflection
- Develop a spirituality which shapes their outlook on and response to life
- Develop a ‘Rule of Life’ which fits their personality and life circumstances
- Live in balance
To this end the course provides opportunities to:
- Explore further ways of prayer as tools for engaging in relationship with God
- Reflect on the importance of personal spiritual formation
- Reflect on the value of a personal ‘Rule of Life’
- Explore the relationship between our personal spiritual life and engagement with the world
- Reflect on how Jesus was enabled to live in balance
- Become familiar with contemporary Christian spiritual movements
As with GPRL the method is reflective and experience-based. Sessions include team input, guided experiences of prayer, time for quiet personal prayer, and opportunities for listening and sharing.
Suggested Offering:
A (non refundable) deposit of £50 will be required upon acceptance of application
Those in need of financial support should contact the ISC as soon as possible, and at the latest by 19 July 2024, to allow time to apply for a grant or bursary.
Payment may be made by cheque, direct bank payment or standing order in instalments over the year, according to need.
Balances should be cleared by 30 May 2025.